Maz’s most recent single, titled “Sky Father,” featuring Antdot and Beacon Bloom, stands as a testament to his growth and artistic prowess as a producer. Released under the reputable Dawn Patrol Records, this track presents a harmonious fusion of progressive house and techno genres, underscored by captivating vocals and infectious melodies.Maz’s craftmanship in creating this piece has garnered commendation from influential figures in the industry, and his signing with Wasserman places him in the esteemed company of renowned artists.
Notably, “Sky Father” marks the first-ever collaboration between Maz and Antdot, introducing a fresh dimension to their individual artistry. Considering their prior remixes that achieved remarkable chart success, it is evident that “Sky Father” holds great promise to follow in their acclaimed footsteps. The unwavering dedication that Maz exhibits in perfecting the sound quality of his work serves as a testament to his commitment to creating exceptional music.
Moreover, his partnership with Wasserman further highlights not only his undeniable talent but also positions him among a select group of extraordinary artists, setting the stage for a flourishing future. As one of Brazil’s hottest exports, Maz continues to captivate audiences worldwide, transcending genres while leaving an indelible mark on the electronic music scene.
Love what you hear and want to learn more? Get social! Follow
Maz: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Spotify
Antdot: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Spotify
Beacon Bloom: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Spotify
Dawn Patrol Records: Instagram
“Sky Father” has been added to my “Summer Vibes” and “Wanderlust” , playlists on Spotify!