

There’s something different about Luna Falling’s “The Invasion.” You can hear it in the first few seconds – this isn’t just another metalcore band trying to sound heavy. This is a band telling a story.


The Columbus group has always been fascinated with AI, weaving tales of artificial consciousness through their music. But “The Invasion” takes their signature theme into new territory. The track follows Luna, an AI who’s been receiving strange signals in her dreams – if an AI can dream at all. It’s the kind of sci-fi premise that could easily feel gimmicky, but Luna Falling makes it work.


The song itself is a perfect marriage of opposing forces. Crushing metalcore riffs collide with ethereal electronic elements that float through the mix like distant transmissions. When guest vocalist Myles Clayborne (of Left on Red) joins in, it adds another dimension to an already rich soundscape. His contribution feels less like a feature and more like another character in the story.

Will Carlson’s mixing deserves special mention. He’s managed to create space for every element – from the subtlest electronic whisper to the most brutal breakdown – without losing the raw energy that makes metalcore tick. The production team of Clayborne and Aaron Carlson on vocals has captured something special here, especially in the quieter moments where the story really shines through.


What’s most impressive is how natural it all feels. The electronic elements aren’t just decoration; they’re essential to the narrative. When the heavy parts hit, they hit harder because of the contrast with the ambient sections. It’s like watching a sci-fi movie with your ears.


“The Invasion” isn’t just a song about an AI receiving mysterious messages from beyond – it’s proof that metalcore can still surprise us. Luna Falling isn’t just making music; they’re creating worlds.


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“The Invasion” has been added to my “Heavy and Wanderlust”  playlists on Spotify!