

“bad for me” by HU3M3N, an American industrial band, delves into the intricate and often tumultuous realm of relationships. This song encapsulates the narrator’s deep craving for validation and the lengths they will go to, even if it means succumbing to deceit. Their desperate pursuit of a sense of wholeness leads them down a path of self-destruction, seeking solace in destructive behaviors. The recurring phrase “So bad for me, we’re gonna die” serves as a poignant acknowledgment of the detrimental nature of their actions, a haunting reminder of their entrapment in an unbreakable cycle. In the closing lines, the narrator’s insatiable desire for fulfillment is palpable, driving them to relentlessly chase it despite the inevitable consequences.


HU3M3N, originating from Orange County, CA in 2020, brought together Wes Geer, the former guitarist of (hed) P.E. and Korn, and vocalist Matthew Bartosch in a serendipitous encounter. Further strengthening the band’s lineup, Clinton Calton, known for his work with D.I., joined on bass, and Zac Morris, formerly of Ugly Kid Joe and Dorothy, took on the drums. These diverse origins provide valuable insight into HU3M3N’s versatility as musicians, as they effortlessly navigate various styles and genres with seamless transitions. Immersed in powerful beats and resonant bass, meticulously crafted by the band and their esteemed production team ‘Westyle’ & Machine (known for their work with Lamb of God, Clutch, and Rob Zombie), HU3M3N’s music courses through your veins, invigorating and captivating.

Overall, “bad for me” by HU3M3N encapsulates the intricacies of relationships, showcasing the band’s unique fusion of musical styles. With their remarkable debut EP, HU3M3N defies traditional categorizations, solidifying their position as a captivating and enigmatic group that demands both attention and admiration.


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“bad for me” has been added to my “Heavy and Wanderlust”  playlists on Spotify!