Luna Falling, a Progressive Metal band from Columbus Ohio, has returned with a mesmerizing new single, “Void”, which delves into themes of self-awareness and navigating the complexities of human emotions. From the very first note, this song is sure to captivate you. As I hit “play”, unsure of what to expect, the powerful rock vocals quickly caught my attention, and the song only got better with its progressive heaviness. Fans of Linkin Park, Bad Omens, and Starset will definitely appreciate Luna Falling’s unique sound.


“Void” is part of a larger series of interconnected songs available on all streaming platforms. Luna Falling’s impressive music undoubtedly deserves your time and attention. The band’s cohesive sound is a testament to their impressive musicianship and poetic lyricism. “Void” is just the tip of the iceberg; Luna Falling is sure to be a name we hear more often!

In conclusion, Luna Falling’s “Void” is a powerful single that is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on listeners. The band’s unique and captivating sound is not to be missed, and I highly recommend giving them a listen. With a promising rock sound, Luna Falling is undoubtedly a band to keep on your radar.


Love what you hear and want to learn more? Get social! Follow Luna Falling on Facebook, Instagram and Spotify!


“Void” has been added to the rotation on Hypernova Radio, as well as my “HEAVY“,Hypernova Radio – New Adds“, and Wanderlust”  playlists on Spotify!