You’re probably familiar with this scenario: being accustomed to seeing someone regularly, only to end up in a situation where you have to adjust to living life without them.
Whether you travel for work for long periods at a time, went through a painful breakup with someone you’ve known for years, or when your loved one has passed on and you’re left to grieve while trying to function properly in your daily life: it isn’t easy to miss having them around.
Italian singer, Matteo Bocelli‘s latest single Solo (co-written with with Fiona Bevan and Marco Guazzone; produced by GRAMMY® winner Jesse Shaktin), perfectly illustrates this feeling. With lyrics such as “Missing you with every breath I take, Wishing you were with me when I wake, Thinking of you my love, What can I do? Solo, solo, Feeling so far away, far away, But I gotta find my way, find my way”, along with lyrics that poetically describe fond memories, it is a reminder that one can and will figure out how to navigate through the feeling of missing someone, until you meet again.
My first impression when Capitol Records released this music video, which was filmed in the breathtaking Dolomites mountains in northeast Italy and directed by Gaetano Morbioli: I took one look at Matteo Bocelli and automatically thought he looked like a real-life Disney prince! Then I saw his last name and thought it was familiar and thought, “Ok- listen to the song first before hopping on Google.” I LOVED the song and video and was still curious if I’ve seen him before.
The next video that auto-played after the “Solo” video was “Fall On Me” by the legendary tenor, the brilliant and incomparable Andrea Bocelli, featuring Matteo Bocelli, which was on Disney’s The Nutcracker and the Four Realms soundtrack. It still didn’t click in that he is Andrea Bocelli’s son! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with the commonalities of how they carry themselves with such regal posture, their dulcet tones and how they sing every syllable with great intent and emotion!
Aside from him being music royalty, after hearing this heartfelt song and checking out a few of his previous projects, I definitely think Matteo Bocelli has a bright future ahead of him!
“Solo” is available on all major streaming platforms, and I have added this song (along with a few of his other tunes) on my “CHILL TUNES” playlist.